2168 sqft of luxury office space is available at 8052 Elm Dr Ste F, Mechanicsville, VA 23111.
The location is at 8052 Elm Dr Ste F Mechanicsville, VA 23111. At the first stoplight entering Mechanicsville off 360 (near the windmill). Convenient to most locations in the Richmond region and near the 360/295 junction, this office space has an excellent combination of low rent and good location in a newly finished facility.
Located just over the Henrico / Hanover county line, locating your business in Hanover county provides simpler regulation and more favorable taxes for your business.
At $1700/month, this beautifully finished facility is a bargain with quick access to the city. Rent includes taxes, association fee, and owner property insurance. Equivalent to Industrial Gross Terms.
For more information or to arrange an appointment you may email James at jamesb@murrayprop.com or call at (804) 201-9702 extension 152.
Murray Properties LLC Rental Application
Applications may be emailed to jamesb@murrayprop.com or faxed to (804) 433-3825 or mailed to:
Murray Properties LLC
8052 Elm Dr Ste G
Mechanicsville, VA 23111